Municipal Manager
Gugulethu Mhlongo-Ntshangase
Municipal Manager
Secretary to the Municipal Manager
Ms Zinhle Mdake
- Administration
- Local Economic Development
- Integrated Development Plan and
- Internal Audit
- Risk Management
The Municipal Manager is responsible for the overall management and administration of the municipality, and must for this purpose take all reasonable steps to ensure:
- that the resources of the entity are used effectively, efficiently, economically and transparently;
- that full and proper records of the financial affairs of the entity are kept;
- that the entity has and maintains effective, efficient and transparent systems –
- of financial and risk management and internal control; and
- of internal audit complying with and operating in accordance with any prescribed norms and standards;
- that irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure and other losses are prevented;
- that expenditure is in accordance with the operational policies of the entity; and
- that disciplinary or, when appropriate, criminal proceedings, are instituted against any official of the entity who has allegedly committed an act of financial misconduct or an offence in terms of Chapter 15 of the MFMA.
Their key roles include strategic direction, overall management of and accountability for risk. Other functions include marketing the municipality.
- To have policies and strategies developed, which would serve as an agreement between the municipality and the targeted groups
- To provide strategic leadership to the Institution
- To act as a link between the political and the administrative arms of the municipality
- To create a conducive working environment for all the employees of the municipality
- To uphold the Batho-Pele principles
- To protect and safeguard municipal assets
- To ensure adherence for all policies of the municipality
- To ensure that all the statutes of government are respected and obeyed
- To ensure continuous interaction with the community
- To provide a platform for the 3 spheres to operate in